The ever-growing Apex Legends roster is diverse, versatile, and always evolving competitively.
Apex Legends Season 10: Emergence brought the total number of Legends to 18. Selecting a character will always come down to personal preference, but some players want advantages. Major updates like bigger rosters or new maps often introduce balance changes. Your favorite Legend might excel on World’s Edge, yet struggle in King’s Canyon.
This Season 10 Legends tier list highlights optimal characters based on Hero abilities, team composition, and playstyle. Learn which top tier characters suit you best.
S-Tier Apex Legends characters are the cornerstone of any trio. Winning is harder without one of these top tiers on your team.
- Octane
- Gibraltar
- Bloodhound
- Wraith
Octane mains are some of the most cracked players in all of gaming. His ability to move in and out of battle with rapid speed is unmatched. Add passive healing to that and he reigns supreme.
Gibraltar provides bubble shields and bombardments from the skies. These can push a team back and keep your allies alive just long enough. You will have time to rotate or prepare for a defensive stand.
Bloodhound has scanning and tracking skills to hunt down opposing teams. Their Recon abilities are essential to a team’s success in Apex Legends. No one gets the intel better than Bloodhound.
Wraith creates space between enemies with portals and phasin. Her abilities trap, regroup, or attack other players. This versatility puts her in the top tier.
Octane is easily the best Legend in Apex Legends right now, but the other three are still crucial characters. If you learn how to perform well as any of the four S-Tier characters, you’ll rack up wins quickly.
The A-Tier is the most stacked tier of Legends. This just goes to show that there are truly no terrible Legends in the game. There are just more useful and less useful ones.
- Lifeline
- Seer
- Bangalore
- Pathfinder
- Horizon
- Revenant
- Valkyrie
Lifeline is very underrated. She can put down a healing bot, revive teammates while fighting, and bring a care package down with her Ultimate. Players often overlook her Ultimate. While it provides decent loot, it also creates cover and even traps for eager opponents.
Seer, the newest Legend, immediately slots in the A-Tier. Known as the Ambush Artist, Seer’s passive allows him to hear and visualize the heartbeats of enemies when aiming down the sights.
Focus of Attention sends out drones that emit a blast to interrupt and reveal opponents through walls. His Ultimate, Exhibit, creates a dome that reveals anyone inside shooting a weapon or moving. Recon abilities are just plain necessary in Apex Legends. Top players have proven these abilities to be true difference makers in rotates, pushes, and final circle fights because you can create strategies based on enemy locations. As of now Seer is too new to move up, but could eventually rival Bloodhound.
Bangalore has a difficult to control air strike Ultimate, smoke screens to hide movement, and the ability to run faster under fire. The movement and smokescreen put her in the A-Tier. Cloaking movement to get better positioning will almost always benefit you.
Pathfinder is a mobility master with a grapple hook and a zipline. Mobility tools are just a step behind recon abilities. The grapple hook and zipline for quick escapes are great, but don’t match up with Octane’s speed or Wraith’s trickery.
Horizon is offensive with a gravity lift to reach the high ground and a Black Hole to pull in enemies. Apex is a gun game first and foremost. Being able to keep enemies from running lets your team unload on them for easy kills. Her biggest drawback is that Black Hole requires grouped enemies to be effective.
Revenant may be the hardest Legend to master. He has been dominant since season 4. He can climb higher and crouch walk faster than every other Legend. Revenant’s Silence ability renders enemy abilities temporarily useless, while his Death Totem prevents teammates from being downed and provides extra lives. Teammates who interact with the Death Totem will teleport back to it instead of dying as long as the totem remains in play. Use the Ultimate in places where enemies are less likely to find and camp it.
Finally, we have Valkyrie. This Legend can fly high with her jets, shoot missiles down for great third-party chaos, and use her Ultimate to put her team in the air to relocate. This is another instance of great mobility. The only issue is the time it takes to set up her Ultimate.
Most people avoid B-Tier Legends because they excel under specific circumstances. These characters don’t fit well with the game's team aspect. Their self-centered abilities can be effective for solo plays, but aren’t much help for the trio in most situations.
- Crypto
- Caustic
- Rampart
- Loba
Crypto was once revered as a top tier Legend with necessary skills. He has since been relegated to the B-Tier. His Surveillance Drone shows enemies in a 30-Meter Radius and is great for hunting or scouting. Crypto is a far less desirable pick than Bloodhound and Crypto because he must stay out of the fight to use his abilities. His Ultimate shatters shields and slows enemies.
Caustic is another overlooked Legend who was once beloved. Gas traps deal damage over time and slow down opponents hoping to push his position. Gas grenades have the same effect spread over a larger area. Lastly, his passive Nox Vision allows him to see through his gas. While Caustic doesn’t damage his team, the gas clouds their vision. He is a dangerous Legend to play.
Rampart can set down armored cover that deals increased damage if anyone on her team shoots through it. LMGs and Miniguns are also more powerful in her hands. The final piece of her arsenal is a turret that will likely make rushing squads retreat. The turret and cover are very situational. Once placed, you can’t reposition them if you are third-partied from behind.
B-Tier ends with Loba. Players were initially excited for her abilities, but now prefer other Legends with the recent emphasis on offense in Olympus. She is able to see higher rarity loot from further away, toss a jump drive to teleport, and set up a Black Market Boutique that lets her squad pull in any loot from the surrounding area. The loot functions are good, but completely useless in the late game when her team is fully kitted.
Notice how there is no D or F-Tier. It stops at C. C-Tier Legends might be the worst characters, but they are still viable. It is unfortunate that nerfs pushed them to the bottom, while buffs made other characters better choices.
- Wattson
- Fuse
- Mirage
Wattson was much like Crypto. When she first entered Apex Legends, she was a brutal defensive Legend that everyone wanted to play. Nerfs and balance changes to her kit were not kind. She can raise security fences to slow and damage anyone who passes through. She can also place a device that stops any throwables from landing. Location control is a lost art in Apex. The game is much more fast-paced because the meta evolved to focus on mobility and attack-based Legends. It isn’t a necessity any longer, pushing Wattson down to the C-Tier.
Fuse was never given a chance. There are just too many offensive-based Legends that perform better. He can throw a cluster bomb to deal damage, hold two Grenades per inventory slot, and create a ring of fire around his opponents. Season 10 buffs weren’t enough to improve his area denial and damage abilities.
The final Legend in C-Tier, and on the list as a whole, is the playboy Mirage. If a player has mastered Mirage, look out. You just won’t find that often. He can send out a controllable decoy, deploy a small decoy army to surround him for strategic retreats, and become cloaked when knocked down. The developers stated that Mirage will never be viable at higher levels of play without becoming super confusing at the lower levels. That comment ruled him ineffective in the eyes of almost everyone except hardcore Mirage mains.
Apex Legends: Season 10 Tier List
There are no bad Legends in Apex Legends Season 10: Emergence. Each one has their purpose and can lead you to victory with practice. With enough skill, you can improve your favorite character’s tier placement.