He’s Rashid of the Turbulent Wind, and don’t you forget it. Rashid is one of the more unorthodox characters in the Street Fighter franchise. This top tier monster is a high mobility character with wall jumps and mix-up V-Trigger specials.
Street Fighter V is Rashid’s first appearance. The Middle Eastern world traveler has a flair for the acrobatic. He set out to join the fight after Shadoloo kidnapped his friend.
Learn how to play the basics with this official Rashid beginner’s guide.
Rashid Basic Attack Tips
Every Street Fighter character has three punches and three kicks in ascending order from light to hard.
- Punches - His light punch is a quick jab with short range, his medium punch is an elbow strike that slightly pushes the foe back, and his strong punch is a lean-in strike. A crouching strong punch strikes twice.
- Kicks - Rashid’s light kick is an upper body knee strike, his medium kick has decent range (works well in neutral), and his strong kick is a full body attack. Knock down enemies with a strong kick while crouching.
The following is a list of Rashid’s moveset. The blue EX box means that there’s an EX version of the move that costs one meter of the EX Gauge. All moves are notated for Rashid facing to the right. Reverse the direction if he’s facing left.
Rashid’s Throws
Rashid has two throws.
- Riding Glider is a grab punch followed by a strong kick that creates space to reset the neutral. Use it when you want some space.
- Rising Sun jumps over the opponent and kicks them backwards. Use it to push an opponent into a corner and create pressure, or escape a tough situation.
Rashid’s V-Skill Moves
In Street Fighter V, V-skills are actions unique to each character and complement a character’s fighting style. They’re activated by pressing the medium punch and kick buttons at the same time.
Because Rashid is so quick and mobile, his V-Skills are a key part of his game and also some of his best assets.
Front Flip
This is a multifaceted skill that can be used to jump over an opponent, or damage an enemy using the Airborne Eagle Spike mid-flight. It looks like a regular forward jump, making it great for mix-ups.
Airborne Eagle Spike
This move is a 45 degree downward aerial kick that leads to a knockdown. The EX version will launch an opponent. There’s also a ground version that varies in strength depending on what kick button is used.
Rolling Assault and Nail Assault
Rolling Assault plays into Rashid’s strong mobility. He can use it to close space and roll under projectiles. In addition, the Nail Assault will knock down opponents. Putting an enemy into a corner with the Nail Assault opens up a myriad of punishing possibilities.
Wing Stroke
This is one of the most versatile V-Skills in the game, allowing for a ton of options. The Wing Stroke is a wall jump that launches Rashid toward his opponent. However, press the kick button and he’ll attack with the Wing Spike. The EX Wing Spike hits twice.
He can also perform the Airborne Wing Strike and move into the Airborne Wing Spike. The EX Airborne Wing Spike is vicious, hitting down and up at 45 degrees.
His mobility makes him difficult to anti-air. He can also easily set up cross-ups and bypass projectiles.
To use a V-Trigger, press hard kick and hard punch together when the V-Meter is full.
This is a spinning, slow moving twister that can be utilized in a few different ways. It’s hard to jump over and isn’t affected by normals or projectiles. The Ysaar creates pressure and opens up options. If someone blocks it, jump in with mix-ups, which are difficult to defend against.
Rashid can also use the tornado to launch himself. A dash into the tornado has the additional benefit of speeding him up. Use this move when an enemy is knocked down or under pressure, as it can be interrupted by a normal attack from an enemy.
This is a barrage of mini whirlwinds originating at Rashid’s ankles. It strengthens the Eagle Spike and Whirlwind Shot, and can be used as a combo starter.
For a V-Reversal, press all three punch buttons.
This is strictly an escape move, unlike most V-Reversals. It’s a great way to get out of pressure, as it lets Rashid roll through an enemy and end up on the other side. Use it to turn the tables in the corner or reset the neutral.
Rashid’s Unique Moves
- Flap Spin is a good mid-range move to close distance quickly and punish an enemy on a whiff. It’s -2 on block.
- Beak Assault will punish players in crouch guard. Use it in the tornado V-Trigger to launch forward. This is another great mix-up tool.
- Wall Jump is an extra tool in Rashid’s mobility kit.
Rashid’s Special Moves
Rashid’s Critical Art
This move is a huge tornado that spins an opponent upward while rashid kicks them. Great way to punish a useless jump.
Rashid Gameplay
Watch and learn all of Rashid’s moves from DresTony’Z video.
Rashid Combos
If you want to learn how to take advantage of Rashid’s mobility and combo abilities, take a look at this video from Evil Pixel.