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How to Perform Every Krushing Blow in Mortal Kombat 11

Published on: 09/26/2019
By: Tim Palmieri

Krushing Blows shatter more than just your opponent’s bones, they can also destroy morale and build momentum to give you a greater chance of victory. Specific conditions, like punishing high attacks and performing certain kombos, activate Krushing Blows. These one time use moves deal extra damage, extend combos, and make all the difference between winning and losing. Incorporate as many Krushing Blows as possible into your combos. In addition, practice mind games and mix ups to give yourself more opportunities to land that decisive blow.

How to Play Mortal Kombat 11 Tier Lists
Fatality Guide Krushing Blow Guide
Brutality Guide Character Lore Guide

How to Perform Baraka’s Krushing Blows?

Note: Forward and back change depending on which direction you are facing. Forward is always toward the opponent and back is always away from the opponent.

Baraka Krushing Blows
Name Input Trigger
Rising Blades Down + Triangle Punishing a high attack or if attack is counter hit.
Toward Throw Forward + L1 If opponent failed throw escape during previous throw.
Back Throw L1 If opponent failed throw escape during previous throw.
Outworld Bash Square, Triangle, Triangle If this combo is a counter hit or punish.
Doom Kicks Forward + Circle, Circle If this combo is a counter hit or punish.
Blade Charge Back, Forward, Triangle If opponent blocks late.
Baraka-Serker Back, Forward, X, R1 If opponent blocks late. Must be Amplified.
Gutted Back, Forward, Circle Triggers in a combo of 9 hits or more.

How to Perform Cassie Cage’s Krushing Blows?

Note: Forward and back change depending on which direction Cassie is facing. Forward is always toward the opponent and back is always away from the opponent.

Cassie Cage Krushing Blows
Name Input Trigger
Bloody Knuckles Down + Triangle Punishing a high attack or if attack is counter hit.
Hot Take Back + Square, X If the opponent is stand blocking.
Keepin’ it Classy Back + Triangle, Circle, X If the final hit of the combo connects.
Shocker Forward + Triangle, Square + X If this combo counters or punishes.
Ball Buster Back, Down, X Land three amplified Ball Busters in a match.
Dual Wielding Back, Forward, Square If move is fully charged and held for maximum duration.
Yaas Queen Variation only:
Shoulder Charge
Back, Forward, Triangle If the opponent blocks the amplified version late.

How to Perform Cetrion’s Krushing Blows?

Note: Forward and back change depending on which direction you are facing. Forward is always toward the opponent and back is always away from the opponent.

Cetrion Krushing Blows
Name Input Trigger
Rising God Palm Down + Triangle Punishing a high attack or if attack is counter hit.
Forward Throw Forward + Square + X If the opponent failed throw escape during previous throw.
Fire and Brimstone Triangle, Square, X If this combo attack is a counter or punish.
Natural Barrier Down, Back, Square If a projectile is destroyed while summoning a wall.
Far Natural Barrier Down, Back, Square, Forward If a projectile is destroyed while summoning a wall.
Tendril Pull Down, Back, Circle If the opponent blocks late.
Boulder Bash Back, Forward, Triangle If projectile hits by itself.
Spring Cleaning Variation only: Geyser Back, Forward, Circle If move misses three times in a row before hitting.

How to Perform D’Vorah’s Krushing Blows?

Note: Forward and back change depending on which direction you are facing. Forward is always toward the opponent and back is always away from the opponent.

D’Vorah Krushing Blows
Name Input Trigger
Swatted Down + Triangle Punishing a high attack or if attack is counter hit.
Infested Down, Forward, Triangle If this attack counters a jumping attack.
Flipping Out Down, Back, Circle If you land this move twice in a row without whiffing, getting blocked, or doing another move in between.
Parasite Square, Triangle, Square + X If this attack is a counter hit or punish.
Recluse Forward + Triangle, Triangle, Up + Square, X If the third hit is the first one that connects.
Tsetse Forward + Triangle, Triangle, Down + Square, X If the opponent blocks late on the last hit.

How to Perform Erron Black’s Krushing Blows?

Note: Forward and back change depending on which direction you are facing. Forward is always toward the opponent and back is always away from the opponent.

Erron Black Krushing Blows
Name Input Trigger
Rising Outlaw Down + Triangle Punishing a high attack or if attack is counter hit.
Back Throw Square + X If opponent failed throw escape during previous throw.
Boot Drop Forward + Circle If the opponent is hit by this move twice in a row.
On The Shoot Triangle, Square, Triangle, Square, Triangle If this combo attack is a counter or punish.
Rising Stock Triangle during Locked and Loaded If Erron Black is out of Rifle ammo.
Acid Pour Back, Forward, Square If opponent is standing in Zaterrean Spit puddle when hit.

How to Perform Frost’s Krushing Blows?

Note: Forward and back change depending on which direction you are facing. Forward is always toward the opponent and back is always away from the opponent.

Frost Krushing Blows
Name Input Trigger
Frosted Uppercut Down + Triangle Punishing a high attack or if attack is counter hit.
Toward Throw Forward + L1 If opponent failed throw escape during previous throw.
Back Throw L1 If opponent failed throw escape during previous throw.
Out Cold Back + Triangle, Triangle, Square, Triangle If this combo is a counter hit or punish.
Auger Lunge Back, Forward, Circle If you landed three Amplified Auger Lunges during a match.
Frost-Byte Variation only:
Arctic Barrage
Back, Forward, Circle, R1 If attack punishes a low or ducking attack. Must be Amplified.

How to Perform Geras’ Krushing Blows?

Note: Forward and back change depending on which direction you are facing. Forward is always toward the opponent and back is always away from the opponent.

Geras Krushing Blows
Name Input Trigger
Rising Gauntlet Down + Triangle Punishing a high attack or if attack is counter hit.
Out of Time Square, Square, Square, Square + X If the third hit of the combo is the first to connect.
Xuid and Guid Forward + Square, Square + X, Circle If this combo attack is a counter or punish.
Dangerous Chronology Forward + Triangle, Triangle, Square + X If this attack is a counter or punish.
Close Quicksand Down, Back, Square, Forward If this attack is a counter or punish.
Far Quicksand Down, Back, 1, Forward If this attack is a counter or punish.
History Lesson Down, Back, Triangle, Hold Square If fully charged.
New Era Move Loadout Krushing Blows
Sand Trap Down, Back, Square If opponent is stand blocking.
Close Sand Trap Down, Back, Square, Back If opponent is stand blocking.
Far Sand trap Down, back, Square, Forward If opponent is stand blocking.
Very Far Sand Trap Down, Back, Square, Up If opponent is stand blocking.
Titan Tackle Back, Forward, Triangle If the opponent is carried maximum distance before hitting the wall.

How to Perform Jacqui Briggs’ Krushing Blows?

Note: Forward and back change depending on which direction you are facing. Forward is always toward the opponent and back is always away from the opponent.

Jacqui Briggs Krushing Blows
Name Input Trigger
Rising Gauntlet Down + Triangle Punishing a high attack or if attack is counter hit.
Back Throw L1 If the opponent is inside of the Tech Dome bubble.
Danger Zone X, X If the combo attack is a counter or punish.
Bionic Dash Back, Forward, Triangle If this move hits at maximum range.
Hyper Knee Back, Forward, Circle Triggers in a combo of 8 hits or more.
Spear Elbow Drop Down, Forward, X, Square If all other clinch attacks have been performed in the match.

How to Perform Jade’s Krushing Blows?

Note: Forward and back change depending on which direction you are facing. Forward is always toward the opponent and back is always away from the opponent.

Jade Krushing Blows
Name Input Trigger
Rising Staff Down + Triangle Punishing a high attack or if attack is counter hit.
Forward Throw Forward + Square + X If opponent failed throw escape during previous throw.
Baited Square, Triangle, X If second hit of combo is the first to connect.
Temptation Down, Back, Circle If Temptation has been amplified twice during the match.
Blazing Nitro Kick Down, Forward, Circle If this move hits the opponent twice in a row.
Pole Vault Back, Forward, X, R1 if opponent is hit after running a great distance. Must amplify.

How to Perform Jax Briggs’ Krushing Blows?

Note: Forward and back change depending on which direction you are facing. Forward is always toward the opponent and back is always away from the opponent.

Jax Briggs Krushing Blows
Name Input Trigger
Upper Muscle Down + Triangle Punishing a high attack or if attack is counter hit.
Forward Throw Forward + L1 If arms are fully heated up.
Head Slammer Back + Triangle If fully charged before hitting.
Double Heat Missile Back, Forward, X, Circle Triggers in a combo of six hits or more.
Hunker Down: Belly to Belly Suplex Down, Back, Forward, Square, X If all follow-up attacks are performed during the last possible moment.
Stiff Armed Back, Forward, Triangle If only the second hit of this attack counters or punishes.
Hunker Down:
Major Force
Triangle, Triangle, Square + X If arms are fully heated up.
Hunker Down:
Standing Strong
Forward + Triangle, Square + X If arms are fully heated up.
Hunker Down:
Get Some
Forward + X, X, Square + X If arms are fully heated up.

How to Perform Johnny Cage’s Krushing Blows?

Note: Forward and back change depending on which direction you are facing. Forward is always toward the opponent and back is always away from the opponent.

Johnny Cage Krushing Blows
Name Input Trigger
Upper Cutter Down + Triangle Punishing a high attack or if attack is counter hit.
Tear Jerker Forward + Circle, X If the final hit of the combo is the only one that connects.
Mime Time Down, Back, Square Triggers on the first hit of the match or after landing two extended Mime Times.
Nut Punch Back, Down, X, R1 Triggers on first hit of the match or on punish. Must be amplified.
Show Stopper: Throwing Shades Down, Down, Triangle Triggers on first hit of the match or in a combo that involves a Fatal Blow dash cancel.
Show Stopper: Say Cheese Back, Down, X, R1 Triggers on first hit of the match or if this move missed three times or more in a row. Must be amplified.

How to Perform Kabal’s Krushing Blows?

Note: Forward and back change depending on which direction you are facing. Forward is always toward the opponent and back is always away from the opponent.

Kabal Krushing Blows
Name Input Trigger
Rising Fist Down + Triangle Punishing a high attack or if attack is counter hit.
Back Throw L1 If opponent failed throw escape during previous throw
Extermination Squad Back + Square, Triangle, Down + Triangle If this combo attack is a counter or punish.
Maimed and Mangled Forward + Triangle, Triangle, Circle If this combo attack is a counter or punish.
Buzzsaw Back, Forward, Square, R1 If this combo attack is a counter or punish. Must be Amplified.
Low Hook Grab Back, Forward, Triangle If opponent is stand blocking.
Hook Slam Down, Back, Circle If this attack is a counter or punish.

How to Perform Kano’s Krushing Blows?

Note: Forward and back change depending on which direction you are facing. Forward is always toward the opponent and back is always away from the opponent.

Kano Krushing Blows
Name Input Trigger
Black Dragon Bash Down + Triangle Punishing a high attack or if attack is counter hit.
Enzuigiri Back + X If this attack is a counter hit or punish.
Forward Throw Forward + L1 If opponent failed throw escape during previous throw.
Back Throw L1 If opponent failed throw escape during previous throw.
Penal Colony Forward + Circle, X If opponent blocks late
Lumber Check Down, Back, Forward, Triangle, R1 If opponent is hit during a get up roll. Must Amplify the attack.

How to Perform Kitana’s Krushing Blows?

Note: Forward and back change depending on which direction you are facing. Forward is always toward the opponent and back is always away from the opponent.

Kitana Krushing Blows
Name Input Trigger
Rising Power Down + Triangle Punishing a high attack or if attack is counter hit.
Dark Deception Back + Square, Circle, Triangle If this combo attack is a counter hit or punish
Dark Empress Back + Triangle, X, Square, Down + Triangle If the last hit of the combo is the first to combo.
Quick Execution Down, Forward, Triangle Triggers in a combo of 8 hits or more.
(Air) Square Wave Back, Forward, X If this attack is a counter hit or punish from max range.
Gutted Square during Half Blood Stance If Opponent is hit with three Seeking Sais previously.

How to Perform Kollector’s Krushing Blows?

Note: Forward and back change depending on which direction you are facing. Forward is always toward the opponent and back is always away from the opponent.

Kollector Krushing Blows
Name Input Trigger
Black Dragon Bash Down + Triangle Punishing a high attack or if attack is counter hit.
Forward Throw Forward + L1 If opponent failed throw escape during previous throw.
Back Throw L1 If opponent failed throw escape during previous throw.
Play For Souls Triangle, Square + X, Circle If this combo attack is a kounter or punish.
Take It All X, Triangle If the opponent is duck blocking when the second hit of this combo connects.
Demonic Mace Back, Forward, Triangle If fully charged.
Demonic Clutch Down, Back, Forward, X If opponent is hit during get up roll.

How to Perform Kotal Kahn’s Krushing Blows?

Note: Forward and back change depending on which direction you are facing. Forward is always toward the opponent and back is always away from the opponent.

Kotal Kahn Krushing Blows
Name Input Trigger
Rising Kahn Down + Triangle Punishing a high attack or if attack is counter hit.
Forward Throw Forward + L1 If opponent failed throw escape during previous throw.
Back Throw L1 If opponent failed throw escape during previous throw.
Cuazquia Forward + Square, Triangle, Triangle If this combo attack is a counter hit or punish.
Mehtizquia Cut Down, Forward, Triangle, R1 If this amplified move counter hits or punishes an airborne opponent.
Yeyecame Disc Back, Forward, X If this attack is a counter hit or punish from maximum range.

How to Perform Kung Lao’s Krushing Blows?

Note: Forward and back change depending on which direction you are facing. Forward is always toward the opponent and back is always away from the opponent.

Kung Lao Krushing Blows
Name Input Trigger
Rising Rim Down + Triangle Punishing a high attack or if attack is counter hit.
Back Throw L1 If opponent failed throw escape during previous throw.
Flowing Water Forward + Triangle, Square, Circle If this combo attack is a counter hit or punish.
Air Shaolin Drop Down + Circle, R1 If the opponent was hit by this move twice in a row. Attack must be amplified.
Wu Tang Down, Up, Circle during Teleport If opponent was just hit by Shaolin Slam.
Soul Burst Down, Back, Square, Square during Spiritual guidance If it connects three times in a row.

How to Perform Liu Kang’s Krushing Blows?

Note: Forward and back change depending on which direction you are facing. Forward is always toward the opponent and back is always away from the opponent.

Liu Kang Krushing Blows
Name Input Trigger
Rising Chaku Down + Triangle Punishing a high attack or if attack is counter hit.
Forward Throw Forward + L1 If opponent failed throw escape during previous throw.
Back Throw L1 If opponent failed throw escape during previous throw.
Chinese Warrior Forward + Circle, X, Up + X If this combo attack is a counter hit or punish.
Dragon Parry Down, Back, X If this move parries a get up or block attack.
Flying Dragon Kick Back, Forward, X If this move counter hits or punishes at maximum range or combos (Air) Fireball into Flying Kick.
Bicycle Kick Back, Forward, Circle If Bicycle Kick has been amplified three times in the match.

How to Perform Noob Saibot’s Krushing Blows?

Note: Forward and back change depending on which direction you are facing. Forward is always toward the opponent and back is always away from the opponent.

Noob Saibot Krushing Blows
Name Input Trigger
Rising Sickle Down + Triangle Punishing a high attack or if attack is counter hit.
Forward Throw Forward + L1 If opponent failed throw escape during previous throw.
Back Throw L1 If opponent failed throw escape during previous throw.
For The Brotherhood Back + Square, Square + X, Triangle If combo attack is a counter hit or punish.
Sinister Silhouette Forward + X, Square + X If opponent was stand blocking.
Shadow Tackle Back, Forward, Triangle If you have connected at least 10 shadow special moves.

How to Perform Raiden’s Krushing Blows?

Note: Forward and back change depending on which direction you are facing. Forward is always toward the opponent and back is always away from the opponent.

Raiden Krushing Blows
Name Input Trigger
Rising Lightning Down + Triangle Punishing a high attack or if attack is counter hit.
Toward Throw Forward + L1 If opponent failed throw escape during previous throw.
Downpour Square, Triangle, X If this combo attack is a punish.
Electric Fly Back, Forward, X, R1 If this move hits at max range. Must be Amplified
Air Electric Fly Back, Forward, X, R1 If this move hits at max range. Must be Amplified
Hammer Fists Back + Triangle If this attack hits twice in a row.
Super Bolt Back, Forward + X (hold), R1 If fully charged and Amplified attack lands as a counter hit or punish.

How to Perform Scorpion’s Krushing Blows?

Note: Forward and back change depending on which direction you are facing. Forward is always toward the opponent and back is always away from the opponent.

Scorpion Krushing Blows
Name Input Trigger
Rising Spear Down + Triangle Punishing a high attack or if attack is counter hit.
Forward Throw Forward + L1 If opponent failed throw escape during previous throw.
Dark Soul Triangle, Square, Triangle Triggers in a combo with 8 or more hits.
Falling Ashes Forward + X, Circle If this combo is a counter hit or punish.
Spear Back, Forward, Square, R1 If this Amplified move hits at maximum range.
Air Demon Slam Down + L1, R1 If this Amplified move hits by itself.

How to Perform Shang Tsung’s Krushing Blows?

Note: Forward and back change depending on which direction you are facing. Forward is always toward the opponent and back is always away from the opponent.

Shang Tsung Krushing Blows
Name Input Trigger
Soaring Fist Down + Triangle Punishing a high attack or if attack is counter hit.
Rising Chest Kick Forward + Circle If this attack is counter hit or punishes a get up roll.
Back Throw L1 If Shang Tsung has recently morphed back into himself.
Reserved Pain Back + Square, Down + Triangle If the overhead chop hits by itself.
Tipping the Scales Forward + Triangle, Circle, X If combo hits as a counter hit or punish.
Force Lift Down, Back, Square, R1 Triggers if opponent blocks this amplified attack late.
Shake Down, Back, X If this move parries a melee attack twice in a row.
Slide Back, Forward, Circle, R1 Triggers if this amplified move hits from maximum range.
Fire Skull Back, Forward, Square Only Krusing blows on amplified twice version. Triggers if only the final projectile hits.

How to Perform Shao Kahn’s Krushing Blows?

Note: Forward and back change depending on which direction you are facing. Forward is always toward the opponent and back is always away from the opponent.

Shao Kahn Krushing Blows
Name Input Trigger
Rising Wrath Down + Triangle Punishing a high attack or if attack is counter hit.
Forward Throw Forward + L1 Triggers on a reversal or get up throw.
DIE Square, Triangle, Square + X If at least three Merciless Spear attacks already landed.
Last Breath Forward + X, Circle, Square + X If opponent is debuffed by Ridicule or Humiliate.
Annihilation Down, Back, X If Dark Priest buff is active when move hits.
True Kahn: Wrath Hammer Back, Forward, Triangle If Hammer Throw hits twice in a row and the first hit is a counter or punish.

How to Perform Skarlet’s Krushing Blows?

Note: Forward and back change depending on which direction you are facing. Forward is always toward the opponent and back is always away from the opponent.

Skarlet Krushing Blows
Name Input Trigger
Cutter Down + Triangle Punishing a high attack or if attack is counter hit.
Scythe Slam Back + Triangle Triggers on second hit in a row.
Forward Throw Forward + L1 If opponent failed throw escape during previous throw.
Back Throw L1 If opponent failed throw escape during previous throw.
Thicker Than Water Back + Square, Triangle If combo attack is a counter hit or punish.
Dagger Dance Down, Back, Square, R1 Triggers on third parry in a match. Must be amplified.

How to Perform Sonya Blade’s Krushing Blows?


Note: Forward and back change depending on which direction you are facing. Forward is always toward the opponent and back is always away from the opponent.

Sonya Blade Krushing Blows
Name Input Trigger
Rising Stars Down + Triangle Punishing a high attack or if attack is counter hit.
Energy Rings Back, Forward, Square, R1 If the amplified move hits by itself.
Air Energy Rings Back, Forward, Square, R1 Triggers in a combo of 5 hits or more. Amplified only.
Air Control Down, Back, Triangle, R1 If this attack is a counter hit or punish. Amplified only.
Low Kounter Back, Down, X If two standing kounters have been hit.
Standing Kounter Down, Back, X If two low kounters have been hit.
Leg Breaker Back, Forward, Circle, R1 If opponent is stand blocking. Amplified only.
(Air)Air Ops Down + L1 If this move connects by itself.

How to Perform Sub-Zero’s Krushing Blows?

Note: Forward and back change depending on which direction you are facing. Forward is always toward the opponent and back is always away from the opponent.

Sub-Zero Krushing Blows
Name Input Trigger
Rising Doom Down + Triangle Punishing a high attack or if attack is counter hit.
Back Throw L1 If opponent failed throw escape during previous throw.
Cold Encounter Square, Triangle, Circle Triggers in a combo of 8 hits or more.
Final Draw Forward + Triangle, Circle If this combo attack is a counter hit or punish
Slide Forward, Back, X, R1 If this attack is the third Amplified Slide to hit.
Cold Shoulder Back, Forward, X, R1 If this Amplified combo attack is a counter hit or punish.

How to Perform Nightwolf’s Krushing Blows?

Note: Forward and back change depending on which direction you are facing. Forward is always toward the opponent and back is always away from the opponent.

Nightwolf Krushing Blows
Name Input Trigger
Rising Blades Down + Triangle Punishing a high attack or if attack is counter hit.
Back Throw Square + X Triggers if opponent failed throw escape during previous throw.
Forward Throw L1 Triggers if opponent failed throw escape during previous throw.
Deadly Talon X, Square, Triangle Triggers if only the final hit connects.
Rhino Charge Back, Forward, Circle Triggers when only the AMPLIFIED version hits a GROUNDED opponent.
Helmsplitter Triangle, Triangle, Circle + X Triggers if this KOMBO is a KOUNTER or PUNISH.
Tomahawk Swing Down, Back, Forward, X Triggers if this attack is a REVERSAL PUNISH.

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